Deadmau5 appears has released a brand new piece of new material, a song called 'Seeya' featuring Colleen D'Agostini. Listen below.
In what seems to be a distinct change in tactics for the outspoken Candian mouse-man, it is a song that is infused with a laidback funk groove. While it still retains the sheer production style of the American EDM camp, it is actually a nice slice of electro-pop goodness that won't make your ears want to throw up.
Listen to Deadmau5 feat. Colleen D'Agostino on 'Seeya'
Zimmerman has become increasingly dissillusioned with the world of electronic music recently, yet if it results in this kind of output then we should probably mug him off some more. Let's keep our fingers crossed for more cuts like this on his new album, while(1<2) which is released 17 June.
Below: The 7 most amusing Deadmau5 rants: Justin Bieber, Kanye and more