It's been a year since the tragic passing of the Motörhead legend
Cai Trefor

20:28 28th December 2016

Today we remember a year since the passing of Lemmy, aka Ian Kilmister. The Rickenbacker toting rock god played louder, faster, and partied harder than anyone else in rock 'n' roll and we miss knowing he's there, even if we didn't know him personally.

He was a charismatic presence, and provided a great example of the happiness that can be achieved through living with integrity and humour. The world is quite frankly much better off having had Lemmy around.

But it's not only today that we think of Lemmy, Lemmy constantly crops up because his music will probably outlive the human species. I can imagine the batteries being left in a radio with 'Ace of Spades' being blasted out as the last human takes a last breath.

So how does Lemmy have anything to do with Jack Jones?

Well, last month, I was invited to be part of Peter Doherty's crew for the French tour, which included opening the Bataclan. Since the UK tour, Jones' work had doubled. As well as being tour poet and singing Trampolene songs, he was playing guitar in The Puta Madres who are Doherty's backing band. But having to remember two sets didn't stop him writing.

Spending eleven nights around France and largely travelling at night meant there was plenty of time to spend writing songs and poems. Jones, who doesn't drink, was constantly scribbling away and wrote dozens of stories and poems throughout the tour. I never realised how many he wrote until I was looking I his guitar case for a plectrum and there sat a pile of his work. I asked to have a look and he reluctantly obliged. One that caught my eye was this 'Ode To Lemmy' and knowing my love for Motörhead and heavy music Jones offered for me to keep it.

So here is Jack Jones' Ode To Lemmy....

I was on the cliff walk
Not or death
When I heard a legend
Took his last breath

My head's in the clouds
As memory fades
For the hero who gave us
'The Ace of Spades'

I wonder how his voice
Got to be that way...
Must have been 60 fags
And a bottle of Jack a day

He never apologised, compromised
Or ran out of phlegm......
Screaming through his droopy moustache
Heavy metal anthems

Lemmy looks like
He had a ball
And there's a lesson
For us all

So I raise my broken glass
In a shitty frozen flat
To the sound of filthy bass
And The Man in the Cavalry Hat

Jack Jones will play This Feeling's unmissable NYE bash at Nambucca on Holloway Road, London. Check the event page for more informaiton


Photo: Daniel Quesada