Goes hard as fuck
Charlie Brock
11:05 15th October 2021

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Grandmas House present their first ever EP today; on it, the Bristolian trio go hard as fuck. None of these five tracks touch the three minute mark: they’re bitesize chunks of blistering punk. Grandmas House’s eponymous EP deserves to be listened to on maximum volume. Blow your speakers: it’s worth it. 

With a sound that mixes punk, post-rock and American hardcore, each of these tracks sound as if they would feel at home in a low ceiling, sticky-  floored club: Grandmas House is the soundtrack to sweat dripping off the ceiling. 'Golden' snarls with rage at modern life and rallies with cutting, politicised lyrics that cut deep—mix that with scratchy, fuzzy guitar and thunderous rhythm and GH are on to a winner. 

'Girl' is a slightly softer cut, channeling more of an indie rock energy: this EP sounds like a live show. It's raw and passionate, bursting at the seams with rage and energy. Feed Me is a highlight, a >2 minute track that jerks and staggers along, again with energy so raw it bleeds through your speakers. 

The EP closes out with 'Pasty', with lyrics that remind you of Greggs, but instrumentation that takes this EP to another level with the aggression and fervor of a band playing with all their might. 

A solid offering from the Bristol punks, this eponymous debut EP delivers a sound so raw and unpolished that it makes for a refreshing reminder of how punk should be.

Grandmas House EP is out now.

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Photo: Press