The venue receives the same fate as Madame JoJos
Andy Morris

16:57 12th December 2014

Following the recent closure of Madame JoJos, The 12 Bar Club will close in January - meaning London's Soho has now lost two iconic venues in less than six months.

Writing on Facebook yesterday (11 December) the venue announced: "We are very sad to announce that The 12 Bar Club has been given notice to vacate Denmark Street by the middle of January. The 12 Bar Club will live on We will announce details of our new location shortly."

Summing up the Facebook commments one fan Damien Gabet sarcastically announced "I'm sure the Pret a Manger they replace it with will bring an equal amount of character, heritage and sense of community."

Speaking to NME today Henry Scott-Irvine, organiser for campaign group Save Denmark St explained that the venue will close on 16 January. "It is with some regret that today The Save Denmark Street Campaign have to announce that the current team running the venue known as the 12 Bar Club will have to vacate the premises on January 16, 2015 as the landowner-property developer Consolidated have served their leaseholder-freeholder ‘break clause’ of 30 days notice, thereby terminating the current lease in perpetuity."

12 Bar Club has one of the best live showcases in London and has featured everyone from Jeff Buckley and Adele to The Libertines.  A petition on has been signed by more than 17,000 people protesting the development.

As previously reported, Madame JoJos was closed following an incident of "serious disorder" took place on 24 October and appears to feature bouncers alledgedly attacking a man with baseball bats. However, it has since emerged that the building's owner Soho Estates had earmarked for demolition many months before it was closed due to a violent incident.

The 12 Bar and Madame JoJos follow The Marquee and The Astoria as much missed London venues.

Photo: Press/Facebook