Two men in their thirties have today appeared in court charged with plotting to kidnap and murder soul singer Joss Stone.
The pair, Kevin Liverpool and Junior Bradshaw, were arrested close to Stone's home in June 2011 in Devon, after driving to the South West from Manchester to carry out their plan. The duo were accused of plotting to 'rob and kill' Stone in order to steal her money.
"This case is all about a decision by a group of individuals, of whom these defendants are two, to rob and kill Joss Stone," said prosecuting lawyer Simon Morgan, reports The Telegraph. "That is not a phrase I have plucked from the air. It is used in documents written by Mr Liverpool during the planning stages of this plot."
"We don't know who the others are but that does not matter. Your concern is whether these two were part of the plot. It doesn't matter what part they took or planned to take," he added.
"Joss Stone is an extremely wealthy young woman. These defendants drove from Manchester to find her. Fortunately they were not successful, although she was at home."
Joss Stone recently appeared on the Jonathan Ross show to discuss her new album
Police arrested the two men on 14 June 2011 after they were found outside the singer's Devon home with swords, rope and a body bag.
In a statement at the time, Cornwall Police said: "The two men in custody had in their possession information relating to an individual in the Cullompton area and items that lead us to suspect that they may have intended to commit a criminal offence."