It got a new video today
Jessie Atkinson
10:59 1st December 2021

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Manchester's Witch Fever have made a single of their EP closer 'Bully Boy'. The raging cut gets its own fabulously psychopathic video today too, in which the band destroy fascimiles of men as a get-back for years of female persecution under the guise of witch trials.

The song is part of Reincarnate, an EP that we said "will burst eardrums, shake buildings and inspire pure punk rage".

“The video is different to anything we’ve done before! The lyrics are quite brutal so we thought it’d be fun to turn it on its head and create something that on the surface is colourful and fun but has a dark undercurrent," singer Amy said.

Witch Fever support IDLES and Bambara on tour in 2022.

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Photo: Debbie Ellis