it has emerged...
Jason Gregory

16:51 22nd June 2009

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A 29-year-old American man recited the lyrics of an Eminem song as brutally attacked his family, killing his wife and daughter.

Michael Miller murdered his wife and 10-year-old daughter in the attack in Glendale, while his 4-year-old son survived with eleven stab wounds.

Miller told police he had been possessed when he telephoned 911 to report the murder.

“I just killed my family with a knife. All of them. All three of them,” he said.

According to Fox News in Phoenix, the 29-year-old also told the dispatcher that he had sung the Eminem lyrics: "Here comes Satan, I'm the anti-Christ, I'm going to kill you."

Miller is expected to be charged with two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder over the incident in May.

Eminem's lyrics have received constant criticism for their dark references since the rapper emerged in the late 90s.

In 2001, a coroner criticised the rapper after a teenage boy printed out the lyrics to Eminem's song 'Rock Bottom' before committing suicide.

Seventeen-year-old David Hurcombe - who killed himself when he jumped in front of train - included the print out in his suicide note.

Eminem - Through the Years

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