The band will have to get a bus to the festival instead
Alexandra Pollard

10:10 3rd March 2016

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Iron Maiden's private jet, Ed Force One, is too heavy metal to land at Germany's Dortmund airport.

Last year, the band announced that lead singer Bruce Dickinson, who's also a licensed pilot, would be flying them on their world tour in their own plane, Ed Force One. 

The plane, whose name references the band's longtime mascot Eddie The Head, is a Boeing 747, and - as Kerrang reports - is heavier than its previous carnation. More than three times heavier in fact.

This is causing a few issues. The plane is so heavy that they're not being allowed to touch down at Dortmund Airport when they play Rock im Revier festival in May.

Instead, they'll have to land in Dusseldorf and arrive at the festival via bus. Slightly less rock 'n roll. Check out the dimensions of the new Ed Force One below.

We're not sure whether they're planning to arrive via plane, bus or on foot, but Iron Maiden are set to headline Download Festival in June, alongside Rammstein and Black Sabbath.

Download Festival 2016 takes place between 10-12 June. For tickets and more information, click here.

  • There are only two original members left: In case you had the nerve to doubt Iron Maiden's place on the heavy metal throne, the band were formed in 1975 and have sold over 86 million records worldwide. With their sixteenth album, The Book Of Souls, due for release next month, only two original members remain - bassist Steve Harris and lead guitarist Dave Murray, who have witnessed seventeen contributors come and go over the years.

  • Steve Harris had trials with West Ham as a boy: It could have all been so different - but thankfully, he didn't make it, went on to form the band instead. He's still a huge football fan, boasting a full sized pitch in his back garden that is regularly used by the official Iron Maiden team. No, we don't know of any other bands with their own football team either - we wouldn't mind a kick-about with the band though.

  • Bruce Dickinson was expelled from school: Dickinson was seemingly destined for a career steeped in rebellion and rock music from a young age. He was notoriously expelled from boarding school after taking a leak in his headmaster's dinner.

  • They have arguably the most committed fanbase: We're used to hearing about iconic bands attracting fiercely dedicated fans, but Iron Maiden may boast the most dedicated bunch of the lot. A priest in Brazil sports over 170 tattoos in support of his heroes, named his son after bassist Steve Jones and teaches sermons on the "morality of Iron Maiden lyrics". Meanwhile, another particularly obsessive bloke legally changed his name to, yep, Iron Maiden.

  • Christians burnt copies of their albums: Upon release of The Number Of The Beast in 1982, Christian groups in the US reacted furiously and made a point of burning as many copies of the record as possible - only to panic that they would inhale the vinyl's devilish fumes.

  • They were the first metal band to play in India: Among countless landmarks and accolades, Iron Maiden are widely regarded as the first big international metal band to play in India, paving the way for the likes of Metallica, Aerosmith and Deep Purple to follow suit.

  • Their producer had a run-in with the devil: In the midst of recording Iron Maiden's most famous and controversial album The Number Of The Beast, producer Martin Birch was involved in a car crash. Eerily handed a repair bill of 666 pounds. He refused to pay it until another pound was added.

  • Bruce Dickinson is a qualified pilot: Dickinson is a man of many impressive talents. As well as being the band's much loved vocalist, he was ranked the seventh best fencer in Great Britain at a young age and is a qualified pilot, having flown his band mates in their branded jet across the world to gigs on a number of occasions. Can we get a lift, Bruce?

  • Dennis Wilcock wanted the band to be Kiss: Wilcock was the band's first ever vocalist and, although he never made it onto a record and was replaced by Paul Di'Anno, he could have shaped Iron Maiden history more than most fans realise - it was Wilcock that tried to convince the band to base their image on Kiss.

  • Their artwork has hidden messages: Released in 1984 and Iron Maiden's fifth studio album, Powerslave was notable for its Ancient Egypt themed artwork complete with menacing pharaohs and lavish temples. Closer scrutiny of the seemingly innocent looking hieroglyphics, however, reveal hidden messages including "Indiana Jones was here", "Wot a load of crap" and "Wot? No Guinness?". Cheeky.

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Photo: WENN